5 packets Club Cutie Ultra Dark w/Fruit Extracts 4 Glow .75z

Tan Asz U Reviews

5 packets Club Cutie Ultra Dark w/Fruit Extracts 4 Glow .75z For Sale

By Brand: Tan Asz U

Asin Product: B004AAHQ2G

Best Tan Asz U : 5 packets Club Cutie Ultra Dark w/Fruit Extracts 4 Glow .75z Overview

lUltra Dark Taning Lotion. Extracurricular activities are important.
Cuties everywhere will appreciate this ultra dark tanning lotion with a new fruit extract base for a completely gorgeous glow with skin conditioning.

A potent energy complex & super soft silicones keep your body rockin' & soften the skin for a subject worthy of an intense study.

Forbidden Fruit Swirl Fragrance

Buy 5 packets Club Cutie Ultra Dark w/Fruit Extracts 4 Glow .75z Free Shipping.