Blush Double Bronzer Enhanced Tingle 12 Oz

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Blush Double Bronzer Enhanced Tingle 12 Oz
By Brand: Satori
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"Satori Reviews"

"Blush Double Bronzer Enhanced Tingle 12 Oz" Overview

BLUSH"Blush . . . How dark do you dare"Double bronzer / enhanced tingleSuited for advanced tanners onlyHigh levels of jewel-toned anti-oxidants (ruby red pomegranate, juicy plum, magical mandarin, luscious guava, emerald hemp)Nature based bronzers (divine mocha, Brazilian nut, exotic tea & espresso extracts)Low maintenance blend of eurythulose and DHATingle of cinnamon, clove, & ginger oilCosmetic grade 5 oil blend (olive oil, apricot, safflower, sweet almond, & sesame seed oils)Rich in cocoa butterAnti-aging, skin-firmingIncreased levels of L-TyrosineFresh citrus fragranceBlush 12 oz. Cheap "Blush Double Bronzer Enhanced Tingle 12 Oz" On Sale.