Designer Skin Baroque, 13.5-Ounce Bottle

Buy "Designer Skin Baroque, 13.5-Ounce Bottle" Deals

You are interested in Designer Skin Baroque, 13.5-Ounce Bottle You come right!! Choose Designer Skin Baroque, 13.5-Ounce Bottle Product is low prices and top quality guarantee shipping!!

By Brand: Designer Skin
Asin Product: B002HEW7T4

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"Designer Skin Reviews"

"Designer Skin Baroque, 13.5-Ounce Bottle" Feature

  • Ultra advanced 7 bronzing blend delivers gorgeous, dark color for brilliant-looking effect
  • Soothing, UV-activated thermodynamic warming sensation envelops you, while the 2X Opti-GlowTM Blend yields a vibrant, radiant glow
  • Utilizes Mega MelamaxTM Optimizing Complex for stunning, dark color
  • With botanical oils, French wine extracts and antioxidants for a luminous appearance
  • Fragrance: Tropical Papaya

"Designer Skin Baroque, 13.5-Ounce Bottle" Overview

Designer skin baroque bronzer indoor tanning salon lotion is an ultra advanced 7 bronzing blend that delivers gorgeous, dark color for brilliant-looking effect. Its soothing, UV-activated thermodynamic warming sensation envelops you, while the 2X opti-glow blend yields a vibrant, radiant glow. It utilizes mega melamax optimizing complex for stunning, dark color. It is enriched with botanical oils, French wine extracts and antioxidants for a luminous appearance.
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