Designer Skin Black, 13.5-Ounce Bottle

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You are interested in Designer Skin Black, 13.5-Ounce Bottle You come right!! Best Designer Skin Black, 13.5-Ounce Bottle Product is low prices and high quality guarantee shipping!!

By Brand: Designer Skin
Asin Product: B002HEW7Z8

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"Designer Skin BLACK Reviews"

"Designer Skin Black, 13.5-Ounce Bottle" Feature

  • 20 X BRONZER

"Designer Skin Black, 13.5-Ounce Bottle" Overview

Hit the golden jackpot & 'color-up' w/ Designer Skin Black. This wondrous silicone emulsion leaves you feeling so lusciously smooth & soft that it practically melts into your skin. Bronze color so deep, dark & rich...others will pale in your wake. Experience the royal flush of tanning & skin care. For those in the know, bronze is the new Black. Refreshing Citrus fragrance
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