Designer Skin Secret Rapture Tanning Lotion Anti-Aging & Firming13.5 Fl Oz

Best "Designer Skin Secret Rapture Tanning Lotion Anti-Aging & Firming13.5 Fl Oz" For Sale

You are interested in Designer Skin Secret Rapture Tanning Lotion Anti-Aging & Firming13.5 Fl Oz You come right!! Best Designer Skin Secret Rapture Tanning Lotion Anti-Aging & Firming13.5 Fl Oz Product is low prices and top quality guarantee shipping!!

By Brand: Designer Skin
Asin Product: B000SDPTAU

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"Designer Skin Reviews"

"Designer Skin Secret Rapture Tanning Lotion Anti-Aging & Firming13.5 Fl Oz" Description

  • Secret Rapture is an exquisite, dark tanning blend that delivers radiant tanning results while powerful anti-aging and firming ingredients provide the perfect foundation for a glowing, luminous tan.
  • This formula is suited for all types and levels of tanners.
  • Fragrance: Warm Vanilla Sugar
  • 13.5 oz

"Designer Skin Secret Rapture Tanning Lotion Anti-Aging & Firming13.5 Fl Oz" Overview

Designer Skin Secret Rapture Indoor Tanning Salon Tan Lotion is an exquisite, dark tanning blend that delivers dramatic tanning results. Powerful anti-aging and firming ingredients pave the way for this stairway to tanning heaven. Indulge, revel and experience the Rapture. Enriched with Vitamins A, E, C and Avocado Oil. Added Phytoage and Alpha Lipoic Acid provide powerful anti-aging benefits. White Birch Extract & Copper PCA visibly improve skin's firmness and texture.
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